The Southern District of California Federal Court made a number of changes to the way we handle criminal cases, particularly the transportation of narcotics or aliens across the border type of cases. Before the pandemic, an individual would be arrested and booked into jail. Soon after, he/she would come before the judge for the initial appearance and bail hearing.
Due to the COVID-19 concerns, some individuals are now receiving a Notice to Appear in lieu of an arrest and booking. The notice states the time and place where the person needs to appear. Usually, it is in Courtroom 2A at the federal courthouse at 221 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101. The judge will then handle the bond hearing and determine under which conditions you may remain out of custody while the case is pending.
It is important to come well prepared for your initial appearance and have an attorney on your side. Your attorney will argue for your continued release from custody or a low bond. Please review the detention hearing video here:
Anton Vialtsin, Esq.
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San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 357-6677
Based in San Diego, CA
Licensed: California, Nevada, and Federal Courts
The San Diego-based business litigation and criminal defense attorneys at LAWSTACHE™ LAW FIRM are experienced and dedicated professionals singularly focused on one goal: achieving the best results for our clients. Through our hard work and expertise, we guarantee all of our clients that we will diligently protect their rights and zealously pursue justice. Our clients deserve nothing less!