San Diego Federal Court closure | Coronavirus (Covid-19) | Update for clients and public 3/17/2020.

The District Court for the Southern District of California (Federal Court in San Diego and El Centro) issued a new order addressing concerns around the Coronavirus (Covid-19). The Court Order is linked below.

All jury trials in civil and criminal cases in the Southern District of California are continued until April 16, 2020.

Except as directed by an individual district judge, criminal proceedings including sentencings, supervised release revocation hearings, motion hearings, arraignments, plea hearings, misdemeanor bench trials, and all proceedings under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure Rule 5.1, are suspended until April 16, 2020. However, the issuance of criminal complaints and arrest and search warrants, initial appearances, and bail and detention hearings will continue in the ordinary course before the magistrate judges.

Clients: Please call me anytime to get an update on your case. I will continue working on all the cases and do my best to have your case resolved as quickly as possible. If your family member is in custody, please refrain from visiting the jail facilities. Most facilities are now closed to social visits.

If you are on pre-trial release, please continue to follow the conditions (including drug testing). Contact your pre-trial officer to make sure you are in compliance.

Stay healthy everyone!

Court Order:
Court Public Information and Updates:

Anton Vialtsin, Esq.
LAWSTACHE™ LAW FIRM | Criminal Defense and Business Law

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Licensed: California, Nevada, and Federal Courts

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